Friday, July 3, 2015

Avoiding Independence Day Claims

Happy Independence Day! The 4th of July is one of the most fun holidays we celebrate in the United States. Many of us will be attending or hosting cookouts and maybe enjoying some fireworks. Both when I worked for an optometrist, and now working in insurance, staff members like to talk about
what sort of claims or problems will arise from typical holiday activities. Today I am going to list a couple of the potential Independence Day hazards, and offer some tips to avoid ruining a great holiday.

Issue: Car Accidents

#1 Put down your cell phone and pay attention to the road. There will be lots of drivers on the road because most everyone is off work and out of school. More drivers on the road increases the chances of an accident, so you will need to be alert and aware. Pull over to take a phone call, and wait until you're parked to check and answer text messages.

#2 Keep the noise level and frivolity in the car down to minimum. Many drivers, especially young drivers, get into accidents when driving with a car full of people. If you are the driver, stay focused on the road! If you are the passengers, try to create an environment conducive to driving safely. Don't try to show the driver pictures or videos on your phone etc. 

#3 DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE. This includes operating boats and jet skis!Many of our 4th of July cookouts will involve coolers full of beer etc. Be responsible. If you know you are going to be driving, stay on the safe side and completely avoid alcohol. Have a soda! I promise it won't ruin your good time. 

Issue: Home Fireworks Accidents

First of all, as an insurance agent, I would like to advise against any illegal fireworks. In North Carolina, illegal fireworks include:
-ground spinners
-roman candles
-bottle rockets
-and anything that spins, leaves the ground, or flies through the air.

Any damage to yourself, others, or your property while using illegal fireworks will not be covered under insurance. Your homeowners' won't cover it, and if your health insurance company finds out, they won't pay any claims either. Insurance will not pay on anything that happens while doing something illegal. Just a little thought for those of you buying fireworks in another state and bringing them home to NC for the 4th.

Legal fireworks include:sparklers,shower fountains, and novelty fireworks that do not explode(snaps, pops, and glow worms). For a complete view of NC's Statutes on fireworks, click here.

A few Saftey Tips on Fireworks:
#1 Read the labels on anything you are using and follow instructions carefully. You want to know what to expect out of the firework before lighting it.
#2 A repeat. ALCOHOL AND FIREWORKS DO NOT MIX WELL. If you have had a few beers, ask someone that has abstained to be in charge of lighting fireworks. Many an accident has happened by mixing drunkenness and pyrotechnics.
#3 Wear Safety Glasses. You only get one set of working eyeballs in this life, please don't ruin your life.
#4 Never Relight a Dud firework. If it doesn't go off, soak the firework in water and discard.
#5 Light Fireworks one at a time. You're not a professional, you don't have professional equipment, so don't try to put on a finale like a professional.

For more fireworks safety tips, click here. I would recommend braving the crowds and watching fireworks done by professionals at an event.

In general folks, lets enjoy Independence Day like our forefathers intended:like civilized people. Enjoy your family and friends, have fun without completely letting go of your good sense, and follow the rules. Do I sound stuffy and boring? Well, I am an insurance agent. Stuff-And-Boring is my middle name.

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